Fascinating read to hear your experience of flow and the approach to this novel, Ben, and I'm sorry for the financial hardship you're facing. I hope you can land a job to pay the bills (or have an influx of 1000+ paid subs in the next few days 😄🤞) whilst still maintaining your creative flow.
Have you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert? My wife pushed it my way to read a few years ago and there are some similarly inspiring sections in there about flow and about when you feel the moment is *the* moment to be running with a specific novel/story/idea.
I'm in awe of your output and talents in general, but the sheer number of words in such a short span seems like you're channeling Stephen King's writing pace at the moment 😄 May your work find similar levels of success!!
Thanks, Nathan. I’ve not read that book by her, but I really enjoyed one of her earliest books called the Last American Man. The irony in all this is, I’m not a very spiritual or mystical person. The older I get, the more right it feels too completely let go of things I’ve held onto.
It sounds like this story has been living in you for a long time and decided to make itself known! Forgive me for being an annoying mom, but I hope you're getting enough food and taking some rest breaks to stretch and nap and breathe deeply while you run this marathon, Ben. It must be such a rush to have the words just pouring onto the page. I'm looking forward to reading along whenever you decide it's ready to go live.
I had my fingers crossed so I'm jinx proof ;) I see what you mean about synchronicity, slightly different angles but dang! The flow you're feeling? I'm jealous! Enjoy!! And SO looking forward to publication!
“Every successful (eating) artist has to start somewhere.” Have truer words been spoken? 😉
It’s so interesting how something like flow state can come exactly when the ingredients are supposedly not at all right. I found that with the writing I did this winter and spring while dealing with a new medical diagnosis and loss of job. I kept thinking, it’s kind of wild that I feel so inspired to keep writing. And shouldn’t I be madly pursuing paid work? But I love it. And it feels like it’s coming out well. And the other stuff all falls away while I’m doing it.
I’m not sure I was quite in flow in the same way you describe it. Maybe one day! But I enjoy hearing your experience of being profoundly pulled by and continuing to pursue something even if timing might not seem “right.” Helps me feel a kinship, like being seen.
Also, I can’t wait to dive into another serial of yours whenever you start sharing and will do my best to help you get closer to that 1,000+ paid sub goal. I believe wholeheartedly the quality of your work should be thusly rewarded. :)
Hi Holly, it’s true you can’t plan for these things. You can only choose whether or not to ride them when they roll in. You know all about rolling though! Thanks for reading and commenting. I’m glad this one made a sense to you.
Your community is rooting for you, Ben. I loved reading about your current flow state - I’m glad you have this channel to joy and purpose in the midst of an uncertain and challenging time. Thanks for letting us in for it.
Long last the flow Ben! A small correction to your text…. You say “Wow, I’m just a little ray of sunshine, right?!” When actually you are lighting the way for so many, me included, which makes you a really gigantic ray of sunshine!
Daaaang! I’m thrilled for you (and all your readers.) May the flow be with you for countless days ahead. I’m fully behind you trusting your creative wizardry, even if the world prioritizes staying safe, keeping the job, doing what’s practical. Finding yourself in this place of flow and passion says (to me) that you are exactly where you need to be. Trust that and trust the other pieces will someday fall into place.
Thanks, Kim. It’s a strange and curious position to be in at the moment so I’m just trying to hang on and trust the process. I appreciate all your encouragement. I’m excited to begin releasing the story later next month.
Everything in my life (up to this point) that didn't make sense to my ego and required that I "trust the process" has landed me in a place far more soul-nurturing than I ever could've predicted or strategized. Hugs.
I don't know what makes us do the things we do. But for some of us, expressing ourselves, exploring ourselves, comes a close second to food. And of course, sometimes the food must wait...
After reading this article I wonder what would happen if you'd query some agents with this novel before going ahead and serialising it on Substack. Just a thought.
Hi Claudia, I’m not sure I have the spirit for cold querying anymore. It feels like wasted energy buying lottery tickets, especially during this time when applying for jobs in tech is pretty much the same exercise. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
Ben, I met Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi when he had just finished _Flow_. He was my mentor when I was sent to management school at U of Chicago: I was in corporate America and was about to be promoted to a high executive position--and was. He and the other professors helped me understand my artist nature while assuring me I would succeed at the job and I did both: the job and made the change. It's quite a story. We could chat some time about this and how Csikszentmihalyi recognized my understanding of "flow".
Thanks Mary, it sounds like quite a story. Honestly, I think that’s what makes writers so interesting is that most of us must live dual lives in order to survive. I’d love to connect sometime.
Fascinating read to hear your experience of flow and the approach to this novel, Ben, and I'm sorry for the financial hardship you're facing. I hope you can land a job to pay the bills (or have an influx of 1000+ paid subs in the next few days 😄🤞) whilst still maintaining your creative flow.
Have you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert? My wife pushed it my way to read a few years ago and there are some similarly inspiring sections in there about flow and about when you feel the moment is *the* moment to be running with a specific novel/story/idea.
I'm in awe of your output and talents in general, but the sheer number of words in such a short span seems like you're channeling Stephen King's writing pace at the moment 😄 May your work find similar levels of success!!
Thanks, Nathan. I’ve not read that book by her, but I really enjoyed one of her earliest books called the Last American Man. The irony in all this is, I’m not a very spiritual or mystical person. The older I get, the more right it feels too completely let go of things I’ve held onto.
I understand and know that feeling too.
I love that Big Magic book!
It sounds like this story has been living in you for a long time and decided to make itself known! Forgive me for being an annoying mom, but I hope you're getting enough food and taking some rest breaks to stretch and nap and breathe deeply while you run this marathon, Ben. It must be such a rush to have the words just pouring onto the page. I'm looking forward to reading along whenever you decide it's ready to go live.
Thanks Mom.❤️ I’m staying hydrated.
See that you do, Little Mister.
I loved this. Good luck, Ben.
Thanks Clancy, I’m happy you liked it. Writing about the writing can be awkward at times so I’m glad it connected.
Not awkward to at all. I think it's a good thing to be open about.
I'm inspired. Everytime I feel as though my writing's being slowed I find pieces like these. The feeling is invigorating, very motivating.
I look forward to reading more of your work, and the concept for the novel is very clever.
Thanks so much Ibra! I’m so happy this inspired you. I always worry about over sharing.
I had my fingers crossed so I'm jinx proof ;) I see what you mean about synchronicity, slightly different angles but dang! The flow you're feeling? I'm jealous! Enjoy!! And SO looking forward to publication!
Thanks, friend. It’s been a wild ride.
“Every successful (eating) artist has to start somewhere.” Have truer words been spoken? 😉
It’s so interesting how something like flow state can come exactly when the ingredients are supposedly not at all right. I found that with the writing I did this winter and spring while dealing with a new medical diagnosis and loss of job. I kept thinking, it’s kind of wild that I feel so inspired to keep writing. And shouldn’t I be madly pursuing paid work? But I love it. And it feels like it’s coming out well. And the other stuff all falls away while I’m doing it.
I’m not sure I was quite in flow in the same way you describe it. Maybe one day! But I enjoy hearing your experience of being profoundly pulled by and continuing to pursue something even if timing might not seem “right.” Helps me feel a kinship, like being seen.
Also, I can’t wait to dive into another serial of yours whenever you start sharing and will do my best to help you get closer to that 1,000+ paid sub goal. I believe wholeheartedly the quality of your work should be thusly rewarded. :)
Hi Holly, it’s true you can’t plan for these things. You can only choose whether or not to ride them when they roll in. You know all about rolling though! Thanks for reading and commenting. I’m glad this one made a sense to you.
Your community is rooting for you, Ben. I loved reading about your current flow state - I’m glad you have this channel to joy and purpose in the midst of an uncertain and challenging time. Thanks for letting us in for it.
Thanks so much Stephanie!
Long last the flow Ben! A small correction to your text…. You say “Wow, I’m just a little ray of sunshine, right?!” When actually you are lighting the way for so many, me included, which makes you a really gigantic ray of sunshine!
I am really looking forward to ‘Departures’!
Ah, that means a lot, Susie. I definitely had some writer’s remorse after posting this one. Thanks for your kindness and for reading and commenting.
Serendipity - I was wanting to either write or record something about flow soon, though I haven't 100% figured out what!
I should think you’re probably an expert in flow given how prolific you are.
You could definitely say that!
Daaaang! I’m thrilled for you (and all your readers.) May the flow be with you for countless days ahead. I’m fully behind you trusting your creative wizardry, even if the world prioritizes staying safe, keeping the job, doing what’s practical. Finding yourself in this place of flow and passion says (to me) that you are exactly where you need to be. Trust that and trust the other pieces will someday fall into place.
Thanks, Kim. It’s a strange and curious position to be in at the moment so I’m just trying to hang on and trust the process. I appreciate all your encouragement. I’m excited to begin releasing the story later next month.
Everything in my life (up to this point) that didn't make sense to my ego and required that I "trust the process" has landed me in a place far more soul-nurturing than I ever could've predicted or strategized. Hugs.
I don't know what makes us do the things we do. But for some of us, expressing ourselves, exploring ourselves, comes a close second to food. And of course, sometimes the food must wait...
After reading this article I wonder what would happen if you'd query some agents with this novel before going ahead and serialising it on Substack. Just a thought.
Hi Claudia, I’m not sure I have the spirit for cold querying anymore. It feels like wasted energy buying lottery tickets, especially during this time when applying for jobs in tech is pretty much the same exercise. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
If it's not the right time, then it doesn't make sense. I enjoyed your flow article.
Well this is very yogi 🧘♂️!!
Thanks for sharing your wild ride with us. Look forward to the book!
Thanks, Kate. It has been a wild ride indeed.
Ben, I met Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi when he had just finished _Flow_. He was my mentor when I was sent to management school at U of Chicago: I was in corporate America and was about to be promoted to a high executive position--and was. He and the other professors helped me understand my artist nature while assuring me I would succeed at the job and I did both: the job and made the change. It's quite a story. We could chat some time about this and how Csikszentmihalyi recognized my understanding of "flow".
Thanks Mary, it sounds like quite a story. Honestly, I think that’s what makes writers so interesting is that most of us must live dual lives in order to survive. I’d love to connect sometime.
I would love that. Let's figure something out.