You both are such kind, fascinating people. Thank you for pouring into the community here. I love the fiction communities on Substack. My favorite corner of the internet

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Mine too! Thank you, Shaina. We’re all so lucky to have each other in this space.

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Mine too! Thanks for joining us Shaina.

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And Ben, writing from the feeling instead of plot. This is fascinating and I’d love to hear you expand on this some day.

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Yeah, that probably sounded strange given a lot of the plotting that does exist in my books! 🤔

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Strange…intriguing…love how much faith you have in your creative process to trust the not knowing.

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I would add that since the platform is not meant for serialized fiction, one of the hardest aspects is that The Table of Contents must be created by the writer and getting the chapters in order for the reader is a problem. So I have created a Table of Contents for both my serialized books. I'm thinking about adding my short stories in the future and all have won prizes. So would love reactions to that idea. Thank you for this. Sorry I missed it live. big xo!

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Yes, and I think we’d all love a book mark tool, too.

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Late to the party. Sorry didn't make it to this live (Australian timezones are never good for such things), but really enjoyed this chat about serializing fiction on Substack. Lots of great insight.

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It was a lot of fun. We’re for sure going to do it again at some point.

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I’m writing these real time as I listen. Sorry about the multiples.

I’m so happy to hear Ray is sticking around. A trilogy? My goodness this is thrilling.

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The Moderns is the first one, already written and sitting quietly in a drawer. We submitted it but to no joy. It’s a bit too long for serialisation I think…

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Have you considered sending it to Alisa’s new Empress Editions?

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No I haven’t. What is this? Has she started an imprint? I’ll look it up…

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DM'ing you now....

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I look forward to watching this!

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“That core group are like midwives.” ❤️❤️❤️

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Ben was so helpful to me with handling the audio for _Who by Fire_ that is also an audible.com book. I want to thank him again here for his help on how to post the voice. Eleanor too tried to help with how to post it before I got to Ben who told me really how to do the audio and was actually willing to call me to explain. I did better on the memoir (Re)Making Love, but no voice on that one. Not sure whether to go paid--and still free--not sure what to do about that--staying free. Advice? xo to you both!

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