Another fabulous exchange. It’s so in Gerry’s character to confront Wild that way. And so in Wild’s to feel badly about being honest. A study in contrasts. Good choice, with Rosemary Beach. I can totally picture their house. Or, rather, Wild’s house. 👏
Small note: At the end of the previous episode, we learned along with Wild that June would not live out a full life, but we didn’t know the exact number of years they would have together — until your intro. Not intended as a criticism, just maybe a continuity thing? I wouldn’t mind not knowing the precise amount of time yet.
Doh! Thanks for catching that. There’s nothing like opening an episode with a spoiler! I’ve been producing so many of these back to back I confuse myself about what is happening when and to who.
I did a double take too! Thought I had missed a chapter and went back to the last scratching my head. Ben, you need a spoiler alert at the top of this one!
Thought maybe I’d missed something, but I don’t mind finding out. Even if there’s a glitch, sometimes, I still like the way you recap what happened previously.
Another excellent episode, Ben. Great tension between the two of them in isolation. Makes me stick a mental tongue out at Gerry for confronting Wild and asking him the date. Serves him right.
Also, this confirmed something I was unsure of: whether Wild's ability is a first-touch only, or on ever repeated touch. Perhaps that has been clarified already, but having it confirmed here was good to have.
Thanks, Nathan. Gerry is a fun character to write and you will see more of him in the episodes to come. To your point about the specifics of Wild's ability, I'm super paranoid that this thing's going to be riddled with continuity errors... arg. The perils of serializing on the fly like this.
You need not fear any judgement or issues from me, Ben. I understand the difficulties and technicalities and risk of such, but you're nailing it (and have a track record of nailing it ;)).
I love knowing what’s coming (in the novel’s past, which we’ll surely visit) for Wild and June. That there will be both joy and pain. And I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
FFS, Gerry. Such a dick move. It almost clouded my joy at coming to know that Wild and June did indeed get to have lots of real sex! Almost, Gerry, almost...
Gerry is sure to be a fan favorite in the future. Sorry I had to ruin the love fest, but this is a story about death. We can't afford extended dalliances into pleasure. Thanks for reading and commenting, friend.
I want to judge Gerry but if I had my death date at my fingertips I might press too. Love the contrasts in character, how their demeanors and intentions clash, and make me question my own assumptions and biases.
No judgement here. This whole thing is a crazy thought experiment for me too, but that's basically how I think about every novel I've written. It's a chance to put myself into situations and mindsets so far from mine to see how it feels. Thanks for reading and commenting, friend.
Great chapter. I need to go back and read again about the time frame.. and when Wild hurt his wrist.. it’s not important, but as the story moves around I find myself wondering if time has just become very fluid to Wild, and if he might eventually learn to time travel! ( probably my wishful thinking that he could go back to see June again). I’m a hopeless romantic
I know it's hard to track continuity when you read things as a serial and even harder when the author is running two different timelines. Sorry! He fell and broke his wrist back in Episode 9 when he was running after Millie who had taken one of his journals.
Yes… I remember that moment.. and that was shortly before Abigail crossed, right? Yet somehow when I began this chapter I imagined it was far after Abigail died.
My misunderstanding.
I think it is the brain fog from my medical condition, and has nothing to do with you at all.
Very interesting characters, and the family dynamics are genuine. I keep wanting to see what happens next.
Thanks, Chip. That's all I hope to achieve. When you stop wanting to know what happens next, I will have to hang it up.
Another fabulous exchange. It’s so in Gerry’s character to confront Wild that way. And so in Wild’s to feel badly about being honest. A study in contrasts. Good choice, with Rosemary Beach. I can totally picture their house. Or, rather, Wild’s house. 👏
Thank you, Julie. It’s beautiful along that stretch of coastline.
Small note: At the end of the previous episode, we learned along with Wild that June would not live out a full life, but we didn’t know the exact number of years they would have together — until your intro. Not intended as a criticism, just maybe a continuity thing? I wouldn’t mind not knowing the precise amount of time yet.
Doh! Thanks for catching that. There’s nothing like opening an episode with a spoiler! I’ve been producing so many of these back to back I confuse myself about what is happening when and to who.
I did a double take too! Thought I had missed a chapter and went back to the last scratching my head. Ben, you need a spoiler alert at the top of this one!
This also caught me off guard and made me wonder whether I'd missed that key bit of information somehow.
(Ben, it's no biggie. The power was what Wild did and the fact that he knew, regardless of whether we knew precisely how long was left.)
You're being generous, but I'll take it. ;-)
He’s right!
I was wondering about that myself. I thought I'd missed something.
Nope, you didn't miss anything. It was my oversight. I can't keep straight what's in my head and committed to the story some days.
Thought maybe I’d missed something, but I don’t mind finding out. Even if there’s a glitch, sometimes, I still like the way you recap what happened previously.
Another excellent episode, Ben. Great tension between the two of them in isolation. Makes me stick a mental tongue out at Gerry for confronting Wild and asking him the date. Serves him right.
Also, this confirmed something I was unsure of: whether Wild's ability is a first-touch only, or on ever repeated touch. Perhaps that has been clarified already, but having it confirmed here was good to have.
Also, the X-Files line made me smile. 😆
Thanks, Nathan. Gerry is a fun character to write and you will see more of him in the episodes to come. To your point about the specifics of Wild's ability, I'm super paranoid that this thing's going to be riddled with continuity errors... arg. The perils of serializing on the fly like this.
You need not fear any judgement or issues from me, Ben. I understand the difficulties and technicalities and risk of such, but you're nailing it (and have a track record of nailing it ;)).
Gerry! Why?!
I love knowing what’s coming (in the novel’s past, which we’ll surely visit) for Wild and June. That there will be both joy and pain. And I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.
Thanks Holly! I can’t wait either. 😉 I still have to figure a lot of that out.
You’re a brave storytelling genius, my friend.
Brave, or crazy. Leaning toward the later at the moment.
I missed this episode! Gosh what's Gerry gonna do with his last year? Become a nice guy? ;)
Erm… maybe?
FFS, Gerry. Such a dick move. It almost clouded my joy at coming to know that Wild and June did indeed get to have lots of real sex! Almost, Gerry, almost...
Gerry is sure to be a fan favorite in the future. Sorry I had to ruin the love fest, but this is a story about death. We can't afford extended dalliances into pleasure. Thanks for reading and commenting, friend.
I want to judge Gerry but if I had my death date at my fingertips I might press too. Love the contrasts in character, how their demeanors and intentions clash, and make me question my own assumptions and biases.
No judgement here. This whole thing is a crazy thought experiment for me too, but that's basically how I think about every novel I've written. It's a chance to put myself into situations and mindsets so far from mine to see how it feels. Thanks for reading and commenting, friend.
Great chapter. I need to go back and read again about the time frame.. and when Wild hurt his wrist.. it’s not important, but as the story moves around I find myself wondering if time has just become very fluid to Wild, and if he might eventually learn to time travel! ( probably my wishful thinking that he could go back to see June again). I’m a hopeless romantic
I know it's hard to track continuity when you read things as a serial and even harder when the author is running two different timelines. Sorry! He fell and broke his wrist back in Episode 9 when he was running after Millie who had taken one of his journals.
Yes… I remember that moment.. and that was shortly before Abigail crossed, right? Yet somehow when I began this chapter I imagined it was far after Abigail died.
My misunderstanding.
I think it is the brain fog from my medical condition, and has nothing to do with you at all.