
ā€œIā€™m going to need a few minutes to answer that.ā€ šŸ˜‚ Or a week! Or until Saturday at 3:00 pm EST!

Seriously, bro, great episode. Eve is a proper badass, who knew?

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Yea! Iā€™m glad youā€™re planning to join the live broadcast, Julie. Now I have to start practicing!

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Not on my account, surely

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May 16Liked by Ben Wakeman

The part where they all wrapped around Deepu!! šŸ’”šŸ˜­ Iā€™m so invested in these characters. And Iā€™m so envious of everyone that gets to experience the end LIVE and days before me on Saturday!!! Itā€™s going to be very strange not having Harmony House be a part of my week any more. Very curious as to whether youā€™ve ever considered a sequelā€¦

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Iā€™m so sad you wonā€™t be able to make it, but have no fear, the final episode will land in your inbox on Tuesday and if all goes well, I might include a recording of the live event. Thanks so much for always being here every week. Regarding a sequel, I have not really thought about whatā€™s next for me here on Substack. Everything is on the table so weā€™ll see.

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May 17Liked by Ben Wakeman

If I indefinitely refuse to read this, will it make the story keep going forever instead of ending next week? šŸ¤”šŸ˜¬

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Thatā€™s one way to make it last, Caz! You could also consider a mind wipe. But it might be easier just to pick up my other book, ā€œthe memory of my shadow.ā€ šŸ˜‰

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How to prove loyalty! Such a classic yet important and exciting way to wrap things up. Excited to see what you come up with!

Iā€™m going to RSVP yes but Iā€™m not sure if I can make it. Weā€™ve had a hectic week with hospital visits (all good now šŸ˜…) and Iā€™m flying home then back out within the weekend! All to say, I love this idea to end your project and will do my best, Ben. šŸ˜

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Thanks Kate! Sorry to hear your life is involved hospital visits recently. I hope everyone is OK. Doing this live event will be a fun experiment and I have super low expectations. If two or three folks are able to join thatā€™ll be great.

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All fine now, thank you; typical kindergarten stuff! I think thatā€™s a great attitude about the project. Still hope to make it and regardless look forward to hearing the conclusion šŸ¤—

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May 15Liked by Ben Wakeman

What a cliffhanger! I find myself wondering what I would say to get Fitzpatrick to prove it!

Great work Ben. Can't believe just one more to go!

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Thanks for being along for the whole ride, Nathan. I appreciate you.

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May 15Liked by Ben Wakeman

PS a wee too early for the zoom for me I think, but hope it's awesome. Will we get the audio here, or will you do a second recording? (I'm assuming the former. Would be great to listen in on the zoom, even if not live.)

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I know it is! So sorry. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a time that would actually work across this audience. Iā€™ll make a go of trying to record the meeting, though I know that wonā€™t be the same. You and I should still make some time to catch up on on one.

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No worries, Ben, and don't worry if you can't manage the recording or if it's something you'd rather not do.

And yes, definitely a catch up soon for sure!

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I hope to be there Saturday. Not sure yet.

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All caught up! Can't wait for the Zooms!!!

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