May 7Liked by Ben Wakeman

Only two more episodes?



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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

Hard to believe, eh. Has become such a staple of my week.

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Thanks Nathan!

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

I'm already anxious. What will I do without Harmony House? What will the remaining characters get up to when I'm no longer watching?

I'm pretty sure this was supposed to keep going for another six months or six years. That's what my calendar said.

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I know, right? I’m going to be unmoored for quite a while without them.

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Oh, so we agree on this.


*Taps fingers on the table*.

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

You hear that Ben? Another six months please ;)

Or, you know, at least a spin off series.

Though, sadly, my spinoff choice would have been Jessie 😥

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How about a quippy romcom with a meet-cute between Fran and Fitzpatrick? Starstruck lovers from different worlds join forces to take over this one.

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

Unless the AI is the last one standing, in which case, no one's going to want a spin off. 🙃

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

True, true. 🤞

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Oh, come on, let's not limit ourselves. Think of the possibilities with Fitzpatrick as a protagonist. He's a misunderstood genius but his heart is in the right place.

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Nah. Like the final episode of Seinfeld. No one wanted to see that. 🙃

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So chilling! The AI stuff is so creepy and l love the way this is all coming together.

I’m really hoping to make it to the reading! Such a great idea. Only reason I’m a maybe is…because the kid. :)

Greta work, Ben!

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Thanks so much, Kate. It's flattering to have a writer of your caliber enjoy my work. I hope you can make the reading too. I have no idea how it will go, but it should be fun!

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My grief over this ending is tempered only by having literally *nothing* on my calendar for May 18. Until now, that is. 😁

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

Phew! I don’t think I breathed until Jayden finally did!

All in for the 18th.👏💛

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Yea, so glad! Now I’m going to have to practice.

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For this terrific episode, what I most noticed was your attention to detail. Seeing Houzz through Scott’s engineer eyes — so satisfying. Rooting for the unpredictable, emotional humans! Tho I’ve read enough thrillers to suspect a false victory … it’s two more episodes after all. 😮

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Thank you, Julie. It's so hard to end a serial thriller! I'm so grateful that you followed it all the way through.

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How could I NOT?

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This was absolutely thrilling to read, and the scene between the brothers was very emotional! Very cool.

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Thanks, Troy! It’s nice to have you back and in the home stretch of Harmony House.

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Wow, wow! What a time for me to get behind. Go, Jayden. If I’d seen the notice in time, I’d have been there for the live recording on the 18th for sure. I much appreciate you releasing the recording, which I’m looking forward to.

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Yea! You’re almost there.

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May 12Liked by Ben Wakeman

Terrific suspense, Ben - it's taken such an unexpected turn, and you always know the exactly write moment to end the episode for maximum ACHHH! I'm desperately behind on everything, sorry to have missed your reading.

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Thanks, Troy! You actually didn’t miss the reading. I said the wrong date in the narration. It’s actually this Saturday, the 18th. Hope you can make it.

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Cool! I'm in!

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

Oh my God...so proud of Scott (my boyfriend) and yes, he is absolutely the dude who keeps a freaking Swiss army knife on him at all times--seems I have a very specific type! Also, Jayden, you're my girl. Loved, loved this episode--with my favourites saving the day 🏆

I can't believe we're nearing the end. There will be such a big hole in my week when this is over. I'm bereft that I can't make the 18th, if you have anyway of recording it I would be forever grateful (though totally understand if the group would prefer not). I'm in awe of your work on this, Ben.

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Aw, thanks so much Chloe. Your love of these characters may have biased my writing the last few chapters! Sorry you won't be able to make the date. We'll see what the group decides about recording. Who knows, it could just be me and my old dog. :-)

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May 9Liked by Ben Wakeman

Ha! Well, that made me feel momentarily God-like, so thank you for that! It’s going to be you and a bunch of people I really like so it feels extra sad. I have a dear friend in from New York for a 16 hour layover, so I’m going to be ensconced in an airport hotel with her. Whatever happens I’ll be with you in spirit.

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That sounds like fun! Enjoy being ensconced and order room service.

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

Really hoping I can make the hangout and live read, but just depends upon timing.

I'm sad that it's nearly over, but also relieved that there comes some closure to the ordeal all these people have been through!

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I know! Timing is tough with this crowd between the U.S., Switzerland, Spain, the U.K., and Australia it's not easy to find something that works for everyone.

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May 8Liked by Ben Wakeman

The joy of a worldwide readership ;)

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It really is the best possible problem to have. I'm so grateful.

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I like it but there’s no context so difficult to elaborate!

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